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  4. Adding a Sign-Up Fee to a Payment Plan

Adding a Sign-Up Fee to a Payment Plan

With the launch of Payment Plans 1.2.0 you now are able to add an optional sign-up fee to a payment plan.

Follow these steps to add a sign-up fee to a payment plan:


  1. Select or Edit the product to which you want to apply it. A Payment Plans tab is visible at the bottom, as pictured below.
  2. Navigate to Product Data > Payment Plans.
  3. Navigate to Price, enter an amount for the Sign-up fee ($).


Note: The Sign-up fee ($) is the amount that will be charged at the outset of the payment plan. The sign-up fee will be charged immediately. The amount entered will represent the initial payment, as well as the remaining installment payments.

For example, let’s say you sell Golf Clubs for $600.

Your customers can have the option to pay for it over 3 installments every 30 days, as well as add a sign-up fee (for a total of $650), such as:

  • Payment #1-Today (at the time of sale): $250.00
    • Sign-Up Fee: $50.00
    • Initial Payment: $200.00
  • Payment #2-30 days later: $200.00
  • Payment #3-60 days later: $200.00
Total: $650.00Or, if you want to add more installments, as well as add a sign-up fee (for a total of $680), you can also offer customers the option to pay over 5 installments every 30 days, such as:

  • Payment #1-Today (at the time of sale): $180.00
    • Sign-Up Fee: $80.00
    • Initial Payment: $100.00
  • Payment #2-30 days later: $100.00
  • Payment #3-60 days later: $100.00
  • Payment #4-90 days later: $100.00
  • Payment #5-120 days later: $100.00
Total: $680.00

Please note that, in this example, the total price is $680 for the sake of simplicity, but you can modify the  Regular price ($) and the Sign-up fee ($) fields based on your product’s price.

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