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There are the following three sets of settings for WooCommerce Payment Plans:


General Settings

Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payment Plans.

Product page

Disable the checkbox to show the Subscription price suffix on the Product page. By default this is enabled to not show the subscription price suffix.

Cart page

Add your own custom HTML text by using the shortcodes: [today_subtotal], [interval], [period], [length], [payment_count], [grand_subtotal] and [sign_up_price].

Product Data Settings

Adding a Payment Plan

Find a product on your store that you want to apply a payment plan towards. Edit the product and go down to the Deposits tab and click Add Plan.

Billing Interval, Length, Price

Next, choose the interval, length, and price of your payment plan.

  • Interval: Choose the interval duration. For example: days, weeks, months, years.
  • Length: Choose the billing plan length. For example: 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, etc.
  • Price (Price per installment): The price you would like to charge per installment. For example, if the product costs $100, and you have 4 equal installments, the price per installment would be $25.

For this example, I have a $100 product, and I want to charge a customer 25% up front and the remainder over 3 months (4 total payments). I choose every month for four months. There will be 4 total payments. Note, the plan would look like this:

  • Interval: every month
  • Length: 4 months
  • Price: $25.00.

Click save.

Then, open up an incognito mode, this is how your product will be displayed.


By default, if nothing is entered into the subtext field, it will display the following on the product page: “X interest-free payments” or “4 interest-free payments”.

However, you’re able to insert your own text into the subtext field. This is usually done if your product or payment plan needs to be explained or better understood for your customer. For instance, I inserted the following text “today (followed by 3 monthly payments of $25.00)”.

Open up an incognito mode, this is how the subtext will be displayed on the product page.


By default, if nothing is entered into the description field, it will not display anything on the product page.

However, you’re able to insert your own text into the description field. This is usually done if your product or payment plan needs to be explained or better understood for your customer. For instance, I inserted the following text “Pay 25% today and then the remainder over 3 interest-free payments”.

Open up an incognito mode, this is how the description will be displayed on the product page.

One-off selling

By default, if a payment plan is added, this tick box will automatically be enabled.

If the product allows multiple payment options (Payment Plan + One-time Purchase):

If the product only allows a single payment option (Payment Plan):

Default Option

Further, if a Payment Plan option is available for a product, by default, the ‘One-time Purchase’ option will be enabled.

You can also select what option you would like to default to: One-time purchase or Payment Plan.

If the One-time purchase option is enabled: 

If the payment plan option is enabled: 

Button Text

Pay Now Text Button

  • Navigate to WordPress Admin Dashboard > WooCommerce > Settings.
  • Switch to the Payment Plans tab.

  • Scroll down to the Pay Now text option. The default text will be pay now.

  • You can customize this text as per your needs.

Front-End Impact

  • Go to the shop page
  • Select any item on the shop page.
  • A single Product screen will appear.



Pay Deposit Text Button

  • Scroll down to the Pay Deposit text option. The default text will be pay deposit.

  • You can customize this text as per your needs.

Front-End Impact

  • Go to the shop page
  • Select any item on the shop page.
  • A single Product screen will appear.




Cart & Checkout Settings

Once a product is placed in the Cart, the payment plan information is shown to the customer, so they can understand if the product they’re buying is full price or on a payment plan.  For example, I included an example below of an order of the exact same product (Wilson D8 Irons), but one order has the payment plan option and the other order is full price.

Note: you can also customize the cart page.

And this is how it will look on the checkout page. Note, the following terms in the checkout totals:

  • Total Due Today: The amount of money owed today.
  • Future Payments: The remaining amount of money owed on the payment plan.
  • Next Payment: The date of the next installment  payment (i.e September. 4, 2020 for $25.00).

Subscription Settings

To go to the General Payment Plan settings, navigate to the following: WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Payment Plans.

Button Text

By default, the button text label is “Sign up now”. To change the button text label, update the text to “Buy now”, and then scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save changes.

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