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  4. How do I update the plugin?

How do I update the plugin?

To update the plugin, do the following:

  1. Go to https://paymentplanswc.com/login.
  2. Enter Your Email Address and Your Password (using the same login credentials as you used for the sgwebpartners.com website.)
  3. Go to the Account page and then go to Downloads and click Download. This will download the new version of the plugin to your device.
  4. Go to your WordPress Dashboard and then go to Plugins, and upload the new version of the plugin (IMPORTANT: You will see a popup and will need to agree to replace the current version of the plugin with the uploaded one).
  5. Go to Plugins > WooCommerce Payment Plans Activation and switch to the License Key Deactivation tab.
  6. Check the Deactivates a License Key so it can be used on another blog and click Save changes.
  7. Switch to the License Key Activation tab and click Save changes again.

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